General Virtual Assistant Services

Virtual Assistant Services for Entrepreneurs & Early Age Start-Ups

virtual assistant for airbnb

Probably the most compelling motivation why businessmen these days battle to grow their organizations is on the grounds that they are essentially wearing an excessive number of caps. They do everything in their business. They ARE the business!!!. In the long run businessmen/entrepreneurs who tend to follow something that Chris Ducker calls the “Superhero Syndrome”, will encounter this situation unless they are willing to change and FAST!! Since 2010, we have been on a mission to provide customized virtual assistant services to business. By leveraging our high skill virtual assistants/remote teams, they have been able to invest their time in what matters the most – growing their organization.

Over the years, during our interactions with business owners, we’ve zeroed in on a common reason which affects their decision to outsource tasks to virtual assistants is that they are not sure what they will outsource. Hence, we decided to draw up a list of tasks that a virtual assistant/remote teams can assist entrepreneurs with. The goal is to free up time and reduce entrepreneurial stress and move towards working on your business instead of working in it. Let’s take a quick look at the task list –

  • Email Management – Respond to emails, share documents, filter out spam emails, highlight any emails to you which need your attention.
  • Call Management – Receive calls, make calls, check and respond to voicemails, highlight any call to you that needs your attention.
  • Document Management – Assist in drafting and preparing contracts, share documents with relevant parties, document indexing, document tagging.
  • Managing databases
  • Data Entry
  • Creating reports and dashboards
  • Accounting & Bookkeeping
  • Vendor management and coordination –
    – Plan and schedule internal inspections
    – Reference Checks
    – Tenant Management
    – Rent & Lease Management
    – Landlord Relationship Management
    – Utility Management – Connecting/Disconnecting Utilities, Utility Bill Payments
  • Manage your social media accounts
  • Create content for posting on your social media accounts
  • Community management on your social media accounts
  • Customer Support (Voice/email/chat)
  • Customer Relations
  • Customer Management
  • Account Management for your eCommerce business (help setting up your profile on platforms like Shopify, Amazon, add products and their descriptions, ensure products are listed in the relevant categories)
  • Sourcing products
  • Product listing on platforms like Shopify, Amazon Seller Central, etc
  • Email Marketing
  • Pay Per Click (PPC) Campaigns
  • Website design, development, and maintenance
  • UI & UX development and maintenance
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • File management
  • Manage calendar
  • Schedule appointments
  • Create job listings, manage interviews
  • Following up with clients/customers
  • Research topics for blog posts, newsletters
  • Writing blog posts
  • Publishing blog posts
  • Transcribing voicemails, podcasts, videos or audios

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